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Melisandre of Asshai

Melisandre was a priestess of R'hllor and a shadowbinder, hailing from the eastern city of Asshai. She joined the entourage of Stannis Baratheon at Dragonstone, believing him to be Azhor Ahai reborn, and heralded him as the rightful King of Westeros. She became one of his most influential advisors and was later rumoured to become his paramour, giving him two bastard sons.


Melisandre converted many to the religion of the Lord of Light.

She counselled Stannis to burn down the Great Sept of Baelor and later oversaw the greatest sacrifice to R'hllor in the history of the religion by burning those who still defied his claim at the heart of the sept's ruins.

Two brothers, Steffon and Cyral Lighthart, later emerged to claim the throne after her death - proclaiming themselves to be the natural sons of Melisandre and Stannis.
